Datum Wednesday Weekly: Expanding the Team, Rocket Chat and More

Published in
4 min readOct 11, 2017


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Night might be falling in our office, but the lights don’t go out. It’s hammer time.

Welcome to Wednesday Weekly. Starting today, we will be posting updates to the blog on a daily basis, and every Wednesday we will post a larger update in regards to our operations.

The team is working hard behind the scenes, and we feel it’s only right to bring the updates. In order to stay in touch with us directly, we advise that you get on board with our social media channels, especially the fast growing Telegram community (3,790 members at the time of writing).

Expanding the Team: Advisory Board

We are happy to announce two new additions to the Advisory Board, bringing the experience in both legal and crowdfunding space.

Janos Barberis — founder of the rising SuperCharger accelerator. A member of FinTech Advisory Board on World Economic Forum (WEF) and Hong Kong’s Securities & Futures Commission (SFC), Janos is recognized as a Top 35 Global FinTech leader by Institutional Investor Magazine.

His primary focus is on regulatory considerations raised by the development of financial technologies, i.e. fintech.

Joe Johnston — if there is a description of a “crowdfunding veteran”, that’s Joe. By helping startups on IndieGoGo and Kickstarter, Joe led campaigns that brought over $7 million in funding, bringing multiple ideas to life. By venturing in the world of blockchain technology, the base principle is stil lthe same.

“I’m thrilled to be joining Datum to help bring the network to life. It’s been a dream for many years to return the Internet to the people by putting them back in control of their data. Datum is a big first step in the right direction.”

Alpha App

Working version of Alpha application supporting real-time sensor data import from a IoT “smarthome” device

Our alpha application is now available to a limited number of users. As we improve the performance of front-end side, we’ll be releasing the app to a large number of users in a run-up to the Beta version of the app and the launch of test network, currently scheduled for December 2017.

This is just the first of several features we’ll be unveiling soon, with a new feature to follow by the end of the week. What that may be? Stay tuned.

Welcome to Rocket Chat…Soon

There’s no point in denying — developers community loves Slack. Given the pioneering nature of our venture, it was no surprise to see our Slack community growing to over 2700 people. Sadly, even with our best efforts — we could not prevent spam attacks and impersonations asking for funding.

Given that our responsibility is first towards our community, we decided to abandon Slack and migrate to Rocket Chat. We will be expanding the invitations to the channel as the time goes by and you can find us there.

Meanwhile, you can also join our social media channels:

Facebook (27,754 members)

Twitter (12,841 followers)

Telegram (3,785 on English Channel) (Russian)


Rocket Chat

New Date for Public Token Sale

Last week, Ethereum decided on the estimated date for the Byzantium Hard Fork to be the 17th October. As previously announced, we had planned to start our public token sale on the same day. Furthermore, Microsoft announced that the 2017 Creators Update for Windows 10 will also release on the 17th of October.

Faced with uncertainty over the stability of users PC’s and the Ethereum Network itself during and shortly after the OS update and a hard fork, we have decided, in collaboration with our community leaders to move our public sale date to…

Sunday, 29th October 13:00 UTC

We also received feedback that the community would prefer the sale to be on a weekend rather a weekday. At the end of the day, Datum is owned by the community and we want to accommodate everyone as much as possible.

You can now pre-register for the buyer white-list on datum.org. We will unveil the KYC (Know Your Customer) process, as well as all the instructions you might need to participate in our public sale in due course.

Whitelist for the public token purchase process is now online.

That’s it for this Wednesday Weekly, stay tuned for more news.

